Prior to 2018, RVETS ran annual low-cost and free equine clinics across the West, including Pine Ridge, Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Reservations. These clinics, ran by Eric and Cindy Davis, brought high quality veterinary care to underserved populations of horses and donkeys while training veterinary students in the rural equine field work. Since the pandemic, RVETS USA has been expanding its operations, and currently does a biannual trip to provide veterinary services to equine populations on the Standing Rock Reservation, in partnership with Sitting Bull College, and to areas of the Navajo Nation in partnership with Navajo Technical University. Through decades of experience castrating tens of thousands of horses and donkeys in the field, Eric and Cindy Davis developed a technique of castrating untrained and wild equine populations such that pain, stress and complications are minimized. RVETS continues this important work wherever their services are requested, most recently with Oak Creek Wild Horses in California and with Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue in Arizona and Texas. Stay tuned for more projects and upcoming clinics.

RVETS Mexico is a group of local veterinarians and volunteers that provide veterinary care to underserved communities in central Mexico, while providing training to veterinary students. RVETS Mexico operates an annual equine clinic in Querétaro and Sierra Gorda states. Horses and burros are critical to the welfare of people who live in the places served by RVETS Mexico. Working under the strict guidelines of RVETS protocols ensures that we are delivering the best care possible while providing valuable training experience to volunteers. We are currently expanding our operations to include a small animal clinic in Sierra Gorda, as well as other upcoming projects and collaborations. Keep up to date at the RVETS Mexico Facebook page here.
RVETS partners with a local organization, NicaVets, to operate a low-cost veterinary clinic in Granada, called Casa Lupita. NicaVets also operates annual outreach services to the communities of Chalmeca, La Fonseca and Pearl Lagoon in the remote Southern Autonomous Region of Nicaragua.
Do to political instability in this region, RVETS trips to Nicaragua has been temporarily placed on hold at this time. We hope to resume work here in the future, however.