Before undertaking any discussion of equine dentistry, you must understand the nomenclature used to identify teeth. The chart below shows the numbers assigned to each tooth in the Traidan system.
It is also useful to be able to approximate age of a horse by examining its teeth. The eruption table below as well as the following video explaining changes in incisor wear over time will help you learn to do this. You will be expected to utilize these tables to determine the ages on every patient we see. This is something we will talk about more during the clinic. For now, we will focus on anatomy and basics of equine dentistry in the remainder of this article.You must have a basic understanding of development, form, and function of the masticatory system in order to develop an understanding of equine dentistry. Horses are meant to spend a large portion of their time eating low quality feed. The long periods of time spent grinding food causes a great deal of wear on their teeth. For this reason the horse’s teeth are very long, with a great deal of tooth below the gum line early in life. The tooth erupts at a constant rate until there is no tooth left to erupt. On average horses lose about 2-3 mm of tooth annually to the grinding forces that occur when they chew. This is referred to as attrition. Factors that affect attrition include:
The complex chewing cycle – varies from horse to horse.
Feed type and amount of time spent chewing.
Confirmation of the dental arcades.
Anatomy of the tooth
The tooth consists of the following layers:
Cementum is a living tissue and is the most adaptable of the tooth layers. It is found in the infundibulum and covering the entire crown. It is worn from the occlusal surface after the tooth erupts. It is deposited to the crown below the gum line for the life of the tooth. It adds to the size and strength of the tooth and protects the enamel. The deciduous incisors appear whiter due to the relative lack of cementum compared to the permanent incisors.
Enamel is the hardest component of the tooth but it is brittle. It is 98% mineral, essentially dead and has no ability to repair itself.
Dentin consists of 70% minerals an makes up the majority of the tooth. It is produced by odontoblasts and pulp. The process occurs as the tooth erupts, preventing the pulp from becoming exposed. There is primary and secondary dentin. Secondary dentin can be regular or irregular.
Pulp maintains a relatively large blood supply. It lays down secondary dentin to close the pulp cavity as the tooth erupts. This narrows the pulp cavity and strengthens the tooth as it ages. The blood supply and ability to lay down secondary dentin allow younger horses to fight pulp infections and repair themselves. Horses younger than 7 or 8 have more brittle teeth due to the lower ratio of secondary dentin. Older horses, with a higher ratio of dentin, have much stronger teeth. Root formation is completed by the age of 2, however separate pulp channels may not be completely formed in the mandibular cheek teeth until the age of 5-6 years.
In addition to the cementum, enamel, pulp, and dentin, incisors and cheek teeth (premolars and molars) have a structures called infundibulum. This is an infolding of the peripheral enamel in the center of the tooth, which is filled by varying amounts of cementum. The infundibulum of the incisors is colloquially called the “cup.” The cheek teeth each have 2 infundibula.
Common Malocclusions
All of the following malocclusions if untreated will eventually prevent the patient from closing their mouth, leaving them unable to chew. These malocclusions normally occur bilaterally.
Performing Dental Work
Performing a complete oral exam requires a full mouth speculum. Power equipment is required to address many dental abnormalities, however, routine dental work can often be performed with hand floats and without a speculum. You must allow your patient to rest their jaw periodically when wearing a mouth speculum. Speculums should be closed after a maximum of 15 minutes.
Equipment needed:
Bucket of water with small amount of chlorhexidine solution
Dose syringe to rinse mouth
Good head lamp
Full mouth or wedge speculum
Floats – hand or power
Note: never set the equipment down on the ground. Always place floats and syringe back into the bucket, on a table, or in the float case.
As an equine practitioner, performing an oral exam will be a routine part of your job. You may as well develop a system for this now. A thorough exam involves more than looking into the oral cavity. Not all patients will allow you to touch their mouths without sedation, but as you develop some skill, you should be able to examine most patients without it.
Before looking into the patient’s mouth:
Look for/ask about signs of quidding (dropped feed).
Check manure for feed that has not been well chewed.
Smell the patient’s breath.
Check both nostrils for even air flow.
Ask the client about eating habits, problems eating, or changes in weight, appetite, or feed preferences. At times, you will want to observe the patient eating prior to administering sedation. Watch for:
problems chewing
problems swallowing
dropping feed
Look at/feel the patients head. Look for asymmetry in the jaw, the sinuses and the sides of the face. Palpate the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Feel the face over the upper molars and premolars for:
packed feed
sharp buccal points
markedly uneven or missing teeth
Percuss the sinuses. Knock or tap and listen for tone differences from one side to the other. They should be empty and sound hollow. If filled they will thud, indicating a problem, often related to oral health issues. Examine the lips inside and out. Check lateral excursion (move the arcades against one another side to side). Check rostral/caudal excursion (raise and lower the head and see how far the incisors move front to back in relation to one another).
Check the oral cavity
Use caution when examining mouths. Do not get bitten. Remove watches or other jewelry before placing your hand in the mouth. Rinse the mouth, particularly the area between the teeth and the cheek. Have your patient face into the sun if possible. Using your thumb, press on the roof of the mouth in the inter-dental space. Hold the tongue between the arcades. Use care when holding the tongue. To avoid damaging the hyoid apparatus, causing permanent neurologic symptoms, you must brace your hand against the patient and move with them when holding the tongue. If you cannot maintain this contact with the patients jaw release the tongue. Check for:
packed feed
sharp points on the outside of the upper arcade (buccal points)
sharp points on the inside of the lower arcade (lingual points)
missing teeth
retained caps (deciduous teeth)
rostral and caudal hooks
Release the tongue. Smell your hand. Repeat on the other side. Not all patients will need care. For those who do, formulate a plan to address dental disease and perform prophylactic dental care.
Problems we are able to address include:
removing points that cause oral ulcers.
extracting infected or lose teeth.
reducing overgrown teeth.
We are not creating bit seats, or floating all surfaces of the tooth until they are completely smooth, or removing wolf teeth unless we feel they are causing issues.
To utilize power equipment you will need to place a full mouth speculum in your patient, which generally requires standing sedation. If you are involved in a dental procedure and are using a mouth speculum maintain a hand on the horses head. Speculums can cause serious injury if the horse moves unexpectedly. Floating should involve a routine system. Start with the upper arcade. Address hooks on the 6’s. Address hooks on lower 11’s and lingual points on lower arcades. The most common problem associated with learning dentistry is inadequate pressure or movement while floating. Do not waste your time. If the speculum is open, move forward. Do not float on a single tooth for longer than 10 seconds without cooling the tooth (teeth) with cold water. Repeat floating and cooling procedure as needed until procedure is completed. Alternatively you can move the float to another tooth and cycle between them. Lube the power float at the end of each day.
Tips to consider when using hand floats:
Start with a straight head float on the buccal surface in the middle of the upper arcade.
Hold blade at 45° angle to points/tooth.
Use short light strokes.
Increase stoke in length and strength as movement gets easier.
Listen for change in tone from higher to lower and hollow, indicating points have been removed
To asses effectiveness look at where the tooth particles are on the blade – even distribution = good blade angle; tooth only on blade tip = move handle medially (toward you); tooth particle on near end of blade = move handle laterally (away from you).
If the patient can bite the blade, your angle is incorrect.
Finish the upper arcades before starting the lowers.
Use a very thin blade to reach to the upper 11’s.
If available, use a slight closed angle for caudal hooks.